Here's one of my recent ones. "One of These Days" (Hint, hint)
Nice! Gotta learn this one - thanks Mark!
Do you have a lesson on this or maybe a chart? I can probably get it from your demo if you don't.
Robert Childress (ChillinIt)
What is the strumming pattern for the rhythm parts of this song? Thanks!
Down, Up-Down, Down, Down. Reminds me of Another Brick in the Wall!
Robert Childress (Chillin It)
@allen-stowe Hi Allen. I don't ever think about strumming patterns, but here's a backing track where the guitarist is shown and heard quite clearly.
As usual, it's Motown style triads that are the key! Stay away from the enemy - big barre chords! LOL!
@rc3rdmd Have a look in the "Guitar Licks of the 70s Rock Stars" course. I might also do one on the basic rhythm, which is in line with my philosophy and wheelhouse.