
Musicians and Producers Wanted for Hit Song!

I Had a Dream, A.I. Wrote a Song, And You Need to Finish It!

So the other day, I had a dream that occurs every once in a while, the dreaded “all my teeth fell out” dream. You know, the one where you wake up in a cold sweat, thinking that all your teeth fell out, only to realize it was just a dream. Whew! Thank god! Realizinig this nightmare was not real, I had an idea for a song project.

I thought asking Bing Chat to create a song about this awful experience would be funny. It took a few tries to create something interesting enough and structured so that someone could take the lyrics and create a hit record! 

I had the lyrics to the song and thought, “Why not share them with my readers and see their talent in action?”

So the challenge is this:

  • Take these lyrics.
  • Change no more than 50%.
  • Please keep it clean.
  • Produce a song we can all enjoy and laugh at.
  • Country, Rock, Rap, Hip-Hop, Pop, Blues…it’s all on the table!

I have successfully created a song, helped you overcome writer’s block, and now I am presenting you with a gold record. Well, Bing Chat did it for me.

When your song is complete, upload it to your Soundcloud account, and send me a message with the link and I will post it to the dawtopia Soundcloud playlist for us all to enjoy! Send your Soundcloud links here: All My Teeth Fell Out In My Dream Song Project.

And now the moment you’ve been waiting for…the base lyrics for the song. Remember, up to 50% of the lyrics can be changed. You can create any title you want for the song. If you need to change the song structure to fit your piece, feel free to reason.

woman playing guitar while singing

All My Teeth Fell Out In My Dream Song:

I had a dream last night that all of my teeth fell out
I woke up in a panic and I started to shout
I ran to the bathroom and I looked in the mirror
But all I saw was a bloody grin and a mouth full of fear

I don’t know what it means, maybe I’m losing my mind
Maybe I’m afraid of something that I can’t leave behind
Maybe I’m just stressed out by the troubles of the day
Or maybe I just need to brush and floss more, what do you say?

Oh, I don’t want to lose my teeth
They’re the only ones I’ve got
They help me chew and smile and speak
And they make me look so hot

Oh, I don’t want to lose my teeth
They’re a part of who I am
They’re more than just some bones in my mouth
They’re my identity, goddamn

But whatever it is, I don’t want to dream it again
It’s the worst nightmare that I ever had, my friend
It makes me feel so helpless and so out of control
It makes me want to run away and hide in a hole

But I know that’s not the answer, I have to face my fears
I have to find the courage to smile through the tears
I have to keep on living and keep on rocking on
‘Cause life is too short to worry about what’s gone

Oh, I don’t want to lose my teeth
They’re the only ones I’ve got
They help me chew and smile and speak
And they make me look so hot

Oh, I don’t want to lose my teeth
They’re a part of who I am
They’re more than just some bones in my mouth
They’re my identity, goddamn

Maybe it’s a sign that I need to change my life
Maybe it’s a warning that I’m headed for some strife
Maybe it’s a message that I need to pay attention
To the things that really matter and the things that I don’t mention

Or maybe it’s just a dream and nothing more
A random combination of images and sounds
But either way, I’m gonna take it as a lesson
And appreciate my teeth while they’re still around

So I’m gonna write this song and make it to the top
I’m gonna sing without my teeth until they make me stop
I’m gonna tell the world about my dream and how it made me feel
And maybe someone out there will relate and help me heal

Wrap Up

Message me through our Contact Us Form when you finish your song: All My Teeth Fell Out In My Dream Song Project.

The deadline is July 31, so you have just over a month and a half to finish your masterpiece.

Remember, this isn’t a contest, so don’t expect prizes other than a shout-out for your outstanding contribution to this fun project.

You have your marching orders; now on to creating that hit record!

Bob Brozowski

I am the founder of dawtopia.com.  I love music and music gear/production. I've been playing guitar for quite a while and am still learning. I use several DAWs, too many to be honest. If I had to choose one, it would be Logic Pro; It just suits my style and workflow best.  I want to thank you for participating in the discussion.

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