
Let’s See That Awesome Home Studio!

Hey everyone!

I want to see where the magic happens! That’s right – I want to see your awesome home studios! I know that my readers are some of the most creative and talented musicians out there, and I want to showcase your spaces on my site.

So, if you have a home studio, you’re proud of; I want to see it! Whether you’ve converted a spare bedroom, a garage, or a closet into your musical sanctuary, I want to know how you’ve made it your own. I have mine in the basement, away from everyone. It is my oasis when I want to hide from everyone and let the hours slip away.

I can’t wait to see what you’ve got! Happy creating!
To submit your pictures, send them to BobB [at] I’ll review all the submissions and feature some of the best ones on the site.

Heavy Roc Music- studio” by p_kirn is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Bob Brozowski

I am the founder of  I love music and music gear/production. I've been playing guitar for quite a while and am still learning. I use several DAWs, too many to be honest. If I had to choose one, it would be Logic Pro; It just suits my style and workflow best.  I want to thank you for participating in the discussion.

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